dorkbot_hk 001:
Techno(sexual) Bodies X Dorkbot-HK
Launching meeting of dorkbot-hk!
Artist Talk of Techno(sexual) Bodies X Dorkbot-HK
Date: April 1, 2010 (Thursday)
Time: 6pm-7pm
Venue: Osage Soho
Address: 45 Caine Road, Lower Ground Shop 1,
Corner Old Bailey Street, Soho, Central, Hong Kong
In the launching event of dorkbot-hk, the co-curator and two artists from the exhibitionTechno(sexual) Bodies presented at Videotage, together with the founder of dorkbot-sf, programmer of Stelarc's Prosthetic Head and Survival Research Lab, will talk about their projects and theories about sex, technology, post-humanism and cyberspace! Don't miss it!

Johannes Grenzfurthner (Austria) //
From the depiction of a vulva in a cave painting to the newest internet porno, technology and sexuality have always been closely linked. No one can predict what the future will bring, but history indicates that sex will continue to play an essential role in technological development. The question is not whether these technologies alter humanity, but how they do so. But what can the DIY and open source community do to help further everyone with a access to a computer getting laid?
Heather Kelley (USA/CAN) //
Videogame Sexyland: Selected Projects of Heather Kelley
Video game designer and media artist Heather Kelley will present an overview of her three libidinal game designs from the past five years. "Lapis" is a "stealthy primer on female sexual gratification" featuring a blue bunny rabbit, "Our First Times" is a lighthearted take on sexual autobiography, and "Body Heat" is a new application for vibrator control that fuses media art, multitouch interface design, and data visualization.
Karen Marcelo (USA) //
People Doing Strange Things With Electricity and Rotating Machinery
Karen Marcelo will reveal behind the scenes of 7 years of dorkbotSF and anecdotes from being part of Survival Research Labs crew producing the most dangerous shows on earth!
Bonni Rambatan (Indonesia) //
What is the body? What is our spontaneous thought, today, when we mention the body? What are its laws and desires, its rights? How does it produce, how does it produce art, and more specifically how does it relate to artistic-production tools the sum of which we name technology? How do we structure its constellations—natural, synthetic, virtual, actual, and all their hybrids? These are but the few questions that I would like to evoke in my short talk—not so much attempt to answer, but evoke and hopefully inspire further critical musings. As an artist, my work is inseparable from the concept of the body: from character designs and figure paintings to fashion designs and choreography, they all speak of the body, its laws and desires. In this talk, I will also attempt to philosophically situate my works and the art forms they take in the larger constellation of bodies and existences, in this day and age that Alain Badiou calls “democratic materialism”.
Artist Bios:
Johannes Grenzfurthner ( is an artist, writer, director, and DIY researcher. He founded monochrom (an internationally acting art-tech-theory group) in 1993. He is head of Arse Elektronika (sex and tech) festival in San Francisco and co-hosts Roboexotica (Festival for Cocktail-Robotics). He holds a professorship for art theory and art practice at the University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria. Recurring topics in his work are: contemporary art, activism, performance, humour, philosophy, sex, communism, postmodernism, media theory, cultural studies, popular culture studies, science fiction, and the debate about copyright.
Heather Kelley - moboid - is a media artist and video game designer. Most recently, she was Artist in Residence for Subotron at Quartier21, Museums Quartier Vienna, where she created “SUGAR,” a cross media collaborative event featuring an original game, scent-generating networked electronics, and couture fashion. She is co-founder of the Kokoromi experimental game collective, with whom she produces and curates the annual Gamma game event promoting experimental games as creative expression in a social context. Previously, Ms. Kelley was Creative Director on the UNFPA Electronic Game to End Gender Violence, at the Emergent Media Center at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont.
Heather's twelve-year career in the games industry has included AAA next-gen console games, interactive smart toys, handheld games and web communities for girls. In Spring 2008, she was Kraus Visiting Assistant Professor of Art, and Adjunct Faculty at the Entertainment Technology Center, at Carnegie Mellon University, where she organized The Art of Play symposium and art game arcade. Her biographical sex game concept with Erin Robinson, “Our First Times,” won the 2009 GDC Game Design Challenge, and her game concept “Lapis” based on female masturbation won the 2006 MIGS Game Design Challenge.
As moboid, she has created interactive projections using game engines such as Quake and Unreal. Her experimental art game work with Lynn Hughes, “Fabulous/Fabuleux,” was created at Montreal's Hexagram Institute and integrates gameplay into a full-body interactive installation using custom "squishy" interface hardware. For seven years, Heather served as co-chair of the IGDA's Women in Game Development Special Interest Group. She holds an MA from the University of Texas at Austin, where she is an alumna of the Advanced Communications Technologies Laboratory.
Karen Marcelo (k0re) is a travelling software engineer. She has worked with various teams in academia and industry from developing 3D Authoring Tools for the Web to Internet Telerobotics to writing games for 'training' expert systems to work in Information Visualization and Ubiquitous Computing. She helped Stelarc implement his Prosthetic Head, and architected and developed parts of's Nerve Garden. She started a dorkbot in San Francisco almost 8 years ago and has been a Survival Research Labs crew member since 1995 most known for coding multi-threaded chaos into the first civilian telerobotics system for lethal devices over the web.
Bonni Rambatan ( is an artist and cultural theorist. His primary field of research is the role of technology in shaping contemporary human subjectivity, sexuality, and society. He started his critical theory blog, The Posthuman Marxist, but left it after a year to start an open-content media/activism startup and finally write his much-demanded book on cyberspace philosophy.
Johannes Grenzfurthner (Austria)
Heather Kelley (USA/CAN)
Karen Marcelo (USA)
Bonni Rambatan (Indonesia)