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 Cesar Harada 

Cesar Harada is an French-Japanese Inventor, Environmentalist and Entrepreneur.


Cesar is a graduate from the Royal College of Arts London, Design Interactions Department, and worked  as MIT Boston USA Project Leader as well as construction manager of the *IHub_ in Nairobi Kenya. Cesar led the Open-H2O (former Open-Sailing) to win the ARS Electronica Golden Nica [NEXT IDEA] (Austria) and the VIDA awards Fundacion Telefonica (Spain)


During his residency with Videotage, Cesar and his team have developed many shape-shifting sailing robot prototypes and tested them in Hong Kong and other waters. 


Cesar now directs MakerBay, Hong Kong first large makerspace for social and environmental impact. Located in Yau Tong, the 6500 ft2 allows Artists, Designers, Engineers, Scientists, to collaborate and invent solutions for our local and global issues. 

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SHIFTING SAILING ROBOT                     2013

© 2020 by Videotage. Proudly created with 

Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village,

63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 2573 1814

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